Kitchens Environment

Although it’s not necessarily a literal kitchen, your environment is where transformation occurs. You are meant for places where you love to be, where you can talk, create, maybe eat and transform something or someone from one thing to another.

This environment has a material process where you can be deeply involved in production, manufacturing, metamorphosis, renewal, conversion, revolution or some other real shift in a physical space or thing.

Kitchens environments are either wet or dry. This has a literal moist or dry meaning. You either like humidity or not, being wet or not. If you are Dry Kitchens and live in a wet, rainy, humid or tropical environment you won’t feel the same exhilaration, belonging or sense of peace that you would feel in a dry environment. And, visa versa.

Being in the correct environment means that you are aligning yourself to the possibility of really being able to see what you are here to see.

Categorized as PHS

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