Environment & Digestion

Living your unique Human Design means taking three radical steps. The first step is to enter into the experiment. That entails living your Strategy and Authority. In following your S&A you know and own your space. The next radical step is to be in the environment that is correct for you. Lastly, eat according to what is correct for you. Taking each of these three steps will lead to the next if you choose to embark upon that quest.

Inevitably we will walk this road alone. We can’t take others along with us on this journey of awakening as much as we might want to. When we meet our correct environment we meet those who are meant to be with us there. We need to be correct in our environment in order to experience consistent states of expanded awareness and enlightened consciousness.

Being correct with our digestion feeds our growth and self understanding, paving the way for liberation from the not-self while having conscious and ongoing awareness of the shadow self. Environment and Digestion truly lead us into higher awareness.

Categorized as PHS

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