Kitchens Environment

Although it’s not necessarily a literal kitchen, your environment is where transformation occurs. You are meant for places where you love to be, where you can talk, create, maybe eat and transform something or someone from one thing to another. This environment has a material process where you can be deeply involved in production, manufacturing,… Continue reading Kitchens Environment

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Caves Environment

If you have Caves environment, you need to be in a secure environment to feel well, to feel good. Caves environment isn’t about a literal cave. When we think about a cave, we realise it has just one entrance and exit. It offers security. You can’t be exposed to danger from more than one place… Continue reading Caves Environment

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Environment & Digestion

Living your unique Human Design means taking three radical steps. The first step is to enter into the experiment. That entails living your Strategy and Authority. In following your S&A you know and own your space. The next radical step is to be in the environment that is correct for you. Lastly, eat according to… Continue reading Environment & Digestion

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Kundalini & Channel 3-60

In 1995 I experienced a spontaneous Kundalini awakening in the mountains near Colorado Springs. For the subsequent 28 years I have been exploring expanded consciousness and spiritual modalities through study, experience and research. When I looked at the transits that were at play at the time of the awakening, I saw the Sun was in… Continue reading Kundalini & Channel 3-60

Categorized as Channels


In Human Design, the sleep and dream state is expressed through a different BodyGraph to our awakened state. In sleep we enter into our ancient mammalian 5 centre body, shifting away from our 9 centre human form. Our conscious awareness slips away and we move into an unconscious state of being. Our Type will often… Continue reading Dreaming

Categorized as DreamRave

A Sense of Self

The G Centre, also known as the Self or Identity Centre is the heart of the BodyGraph and our lives. All the gates in this Centre have a relationship with love. When defined, the G Centre brings an anchored sense of self, not swayed by other’s expectations or impositions. There is a consistency about love,… Continue reading A Sense of Self

A Life Theme – Penetration

Terry always complained that he was misunderstood. His thirst for information seemed to always get him in trouble. Instead of welcoming his interest in their lives, Terry found a lot of people reacted negatively to his questions and were often downright rude to him. Terry’s life theme was the Right Angle Cross of Penetration. This… Continue reading A Life Theme – Penetration

The Relevance of the Lines

Christy was exhausted from her failures and the constant experience of things just never working out the way she planned. It seemed that every time she put something in motion, from a small thing to a large, there was an inevitable problem or problems that put a spanner in the works. Christy became disillusioned, she… Continue reading The Relevance of the Lines

Dominance in Relationships

Serena* and Sharon* were once friends. Both single women in their 30’s they had a lot in common and had a lot of fun together. Serena is a Generator and Sharon a Projector. One thing about Serena that upset Sharon was her friend would always initiate a sexual encounter or relationship with the guys that… Continue reading Dominance in Relationships


In Human Design, Manifestor Types are fairly mysterious. Just 8-9% of the population, they travel pretty much to the beat of their own drum. They generally know what they want and they know how to get it, leaving the rest of us floundering around in a world of waiting. With the throat chakra connected to… Continue reading Manifestors