Human Design & Diet

Your unique Human Design also guides the dietary regime that is perfect for you. There are six core dietary frameworks containing a pair of opposite actions. When we look at this dietary regimen we see two things. Some people have to deal with very specific conditions for their diet, and others have to deal with… Continue reading Human Design & Diet

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More About Projectors

The most recognised dynamic between Generators and Projectors is the way Generator aura and energy can push Projectors into doing, working hard and seemingly tirelessly going and going. The Projector who amplifies the Generator energy can go further and harder than Generators themselves. For a short while! We know this leads to exhaustion and ultimately… Continue reading More About Projectors

Categorized as Projectors

The 12/22 – Channel of Openness

Channels – The 12/22 – Channel of Openness With this Channel, you are here to follow your feelings and live life passionately.  With Gate 22 in the emotional centre, the Solar Plexus, it’s important to know what you are feeling since your emotions will definitely impact others.  This Gate places you under huge pressure to express your… Continue reading The 12/22 – Channel of Openness

Categorized as Channels

Human Design Projectors

What does it really mean to be a Projector? There is a lot of talk around Human Design of Projectors being here on the planet to guide Generators in the best use of their energy. But what does that really mean? How is it meant to play out for you if you are a Projector?… Continue reading Human Design Projectors

Categorized as Projectors

Human Design & Astrology

Human Design is similar to astrology in that it is based on our time, date, and place of birth. Both astrology and Human Design look to the positions of the planets in the birth chart for the patterns and themes of our lives. There are differences though. Human Design places importance on the Design imprint… Continue reading Human Design & Astrology

Categorized as Astrology

Human Design Profiles

Your profile in Human Design arises from your Design and Personality Sun and Earth Lines. The Lines in Sun and Earth will be the same in your BodyGraph. The Lines represent the breakdown of the Gates to more a specific astrological degree and follow the dot in the Gates columns. There are 6 Lines under… Continue reading Human Design Profiles

Categorized as Profiles

The Incarnation Cross & Quarters

The Human Design Incarnation Cross relates to our purpose and it naturally emerges in our life when we function as our differentiated self. It’s a lifetime process. There are 192 basic Incarnation Crosses and 768 specific Crosses.  The Incarnation Cross arises from a section of the Human Design Mandala called a Quarter. Each Quarter has… Continue reading The Incarnation Cross & Quarters

Categorized as Crosses

The 18/58 – Channel of Judgement

Channels – The 18/58 – Channel of Judgement When used for benefit, judgement can improve things for everyone. As perfectionists, people with this channel are here to learn that judgement isn’t a personal thing, rather it’s a service. You need to challenge people, situations and environments.  If you aren’t challenging, you can become dissatisfied and turn… Continue reading The 18/58 – Channel of Judgement

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